This depends on the product(s) you order and delivery option. Please see the “Delivery Information” page for more information.
We provide a delivery estimate based on our production time and the delivery time for the service chosen. Our production is very reliable, however occasionally orders can be delayed in transit. If you are concerned about the length of time your order has taken, please get in touch by phone or email.
Occasionally customers experience a time-out when processing an order or payment. We can usually recover the order details (minus payment information) and complete the transaction by phone. Please call us on (503)-342-4296 to process your order.
We pride ourselves in providing quality products, and thoroughly test all iron on labels regularly to ensure quality. We guarantee that once applied correctly the labels will last for the life of the garment, and we will endeavor to resolve any issues that arise.
It is down to personal choice; they are similar in price and lead time. Woven Sew-on name tapes look fantastic; Iron-on labels are great if you don’t have time to sew.
The maximum varies depending on the product – the website will not let you go over the maximum.
Yes, we can weave/print all foreign accents.
In the US, we offer standard delivery from $3.95, or $4.95 to Canada. Delivery outside the US is a flat-rate charge of $14.95.